On January 30th, 31st and February 1st, took place the European Days for the Energy Transition in Geneva, Switzerland. Historically organized in Dunkerque and Bordeaux (alternatively), the meeting took place in Geneva in 2018, opening the circle. A very dense programme for the 3 days event opened with plenary sessions on national policies in France and Switzerland under the theme “cooperate to undertake the energy transition”.
What are the stakeholders of the energy transition? Where to invest for the transition? A comparative approach between France and Switzerland outlined two national roadmaps with a common objective of reaching the Paris Agreement goals. While Switzerland is a federal state (divided in “cantons”) with a lot of power at the state level, many grid operators for electricity and a strong dialogue with the citizens in the “canton of Geneva”, France is focused on a national approach with one main grid operator (Edf) and difficulties to include the diversity of local stakeholders and contexts. During the event, workshops were organized to discuss specific subjects such as remunicipalisation of energy, social acceptance of local mobility policies, citizens’ action through energy cooperatives, indirect emissions of local public policies, etc. A rich array of European projects where also presented to illustrate current innovations and initiatives in urban and rural areas. Finally, the Citergie awards were attributed to pilot territories. The European Days were concluded by a discussion between policy makers from Europe (Germany, Italy, Spain) and beyond (Morocco). The discussion highlighted that there is no ideal way to achieve the transition but rather million different ways and they all have strengths and weaknesses. The political decisions at the national and European levels must give the framework for climate action but action comes from the ground, the territories, you and me. So let’s roll our sleeves up and take action because the world is not waiting on us to warm up!
Complete report in French/rapport complet en Français : Note de participation – Assises européennes de la transition – Geneve 2018