Elected Board members 2019-2022 :
 | Panagiotis Paschalidis, mayor of Prespes in Greece leads its community on the path of the energy transition. Very much involved in European projects, it made sense for the municipality to take the presidency of the RURENER network. |
 | Vincent Turpinat, mayor of Jarnages in the center of France is convinced that energy is a real opportunity for the development of rural territories. He is the first vice-president of RURENER. |
 | Philippe Cortès starts a second mandate as second vice-president of RURENER. Consultant and very much involved in the energy transition he follows closely RURENER's projects. |
 | New mandate for Vassiliki Kazana, professor at the International Hellenic University in Greece, as Secretary of the network. Her knowledge of European programme sure is an asset for RURENER. |
 | Aline Brachet, consultant in mediation, continues to assume her position as treasurer of RURENER, after all, who knows RURENER better? |
 | Stéphane Hartman, part of the sustainable development cell in the Province of Luxembourg (Belgium) is involved as member of the board for the first time. His experience in sustainable development programmes in most welcomed. |
Elected Board members 2016-2019 :
 | Tibor Köcse, President
Mayor of Nagypali (Hungary), Tibor has involved his community in the energy transition since the end of the XXth century. Being the President of RURENER gives Nagypali not only a way to share its achievements, but also to learn from others and building projects with European counterparts. |
 | Philippe Cortès, Vice-president
CEO of the Granges Solaire company located in the Central Mountain range of France, Philippe sees energy as the future of rural territories. Knowledgeable in economy and finance, Philippe will tell you how energy and positive economic development are intimately linked. |
 | Vassiliki Kazana, Secretary
Vassiliki is our head, professor at the Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Institute of Technology (Greece), she is working on impact assessment of sustainable development... And much more! |
 | Aline Brachet, Treasurer
Thanks to Aline, numbers make sense at RURENER. Her specialty and passion is Territorial Dialogue and she works as consultant for her own company Appi-Capacity. In general she is in Clermont-Ferrand (France), but she is often traveling the world. |