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An inspiring initiative in Avià, Catalunya

Avià is a small municipality in Catalunya, part of the Bergueda county and about 1h30 drive north of Barcelona. With its 2 257 inhabitants, Avià is a rural community that committed to the energy transition for two main reasons. One is that climate change is an urgent threat and that we must ALL act NOW if we want our children to live on a liveable planet. Two is that the energy transition is a real opportunity for local development. Indeed, Avià has been giving subsidies to its inhabitants thanks to the energy savings made on public buildings and lighting. These savings represent 50 000€ every year, a significant amount that is re-injected in the local economy. Economy also comes from the installation of solar panels on public buildings, now facilitated by the change of regulation concerning self-consumption in Spain. With this economy, the local government of Avià give 2,000€ subsidies to private individuals and industries willing to self-produce their electricity using solar panels.

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©European Union

“How to break down barriers between local action and European policies?” That was the main topic of RURENER’s session at the European Sustainable Energy Week that took place in Brussels from June 4th to June 8th. It was a great honor for the RURENER team to lead this panel as around 100 people came there to listen and interact with the speakers on how to combine top-down and bottom-up approaches regarding rural energy. Most people attended the conference to get inspired by local insights or to lean about EU opportunities and programs and were working at the regional level or at the EU level.

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