COP 23

Bonn, Germany

COP 23 was organized by the Fidji Islands in Bönn, Germany. Where are we two year after the Paris agreement? Where should we go? An international events gathering energy stakeholders from most of the world's countries.

ENER’Cyprus – 2017

Larnaca, Chypre

RURENER 2017 General Assembly will be held in Cyprus on November 17th 2017. Coupled with the official event, a field study tour is organized from Novembre 16th to November 19th 2017 thanks to PESAP organization (Cyprus) and Macéo (France).

Pacto dos Alcaldes para o Clima e a Enerxia

Palexco A Coruna

Conference on the Covenant of Mayors (Pacto dos Alcaldes) organized by the Xunta de Galicia who offers its support to territories committing to the covenant. A presentation of the Covenant and success stories such as the project 100%RES Communities in which RURENER took part were presented.

National Cooperation Days

Organized by the Rural networks, this event focuses on building cooperation projects for LAGs within their LEADER strategy. The LAG Vidourle Camargue hosted the event in Le Grau du Roi, France.

EU Green Week 2018

EU Green Week 2018 will explore ways in which the EU is helping cities to become better places to live and work. Showcasing policy developments on air quality, noise, nature and biodiversity, waste and water management, it will promote participatory approaches to urban development, networking schemes, and tools for sharing best practices, engaging local authorities […]