The first axis of the “2017, year of innovation for rural energy” project aims at developing a methodology for the monitoring and evaluation of impact of territorial energy strategies. In order to enrich this tool, RURENER is now starting a study on three rural territories in the Massif Central (Center of France). The goal is to identify the vulnerabilities and opportunities given by the energy transition on these territories, and to measure the economic, social and environmental impacts of energy transition policies on these territories. The study is divided into two parts:
1. SWOT analysis
2. Indicators
Contribute with us to the European Sustainable Energy Week!
RURENER is presenting a contribution during the European Sustainable Energy Week in Brussels, along with the Avià municipality in Catalunya and the Region Piedmonte in Italy. The panel discussion is entitled:
Breaking down the barriers between local action and European policies
You are all warmly invited. We want this event to be your event too, so tell us about your insights and the subjects you would like to discuss by commenting this post. All constructive contributions are welcome, don’t miss this opportunity to bring up your questions and achievments directly to Brussels.
Communication with the European Countryside Movement on the future of the CAP
How to link the European policies to local actions? Not so easy of a task but through the European Countryside Movement (ECM), RURENER is taking part in the European platform working at the European level to promote policies and tools for the integrated development of rural areas.
European (Francophone) Days for the Energy Transition
On January 30th, 31st and February 1st, took place the European Days for the Energy Transition in Geneva, Switzerland. Historically organized in Dunkerque and Bordeaux (alternatively), the meeting took place in Geneva in 2018, opening the circle. A very dense programme for the 3 days event opened with plenary sessions on national policies in France and Switzerland under the theme “cooperate to undertake the energy transition”.
Large investment programme in France to benefit rural areas?
The French government is launching its 3rd PIA “Programme for Investing in the Future” with a call for expression of Interest last September to prepare for the call for proposal that will be open during the third term of 2018. The Call for Expression of Interest received more than 110 candidates and 24 were selected to receive 400 000€ to conduct feasibility studies (up to 50% funding) and strengthen their applications for the Call for projects in a few months. Among the 24 laureates for the EoI, the project HAPPI (stands for Hub to Support Innovative Partnership Project) Montana coordinated by Macéo was selected. It gathers about 80 partners from urban and rural territories in the French central mountain range (Massif central).