Become a member!

Membership is open to a diversity of stakeholders…

  • Communities: municipalities or associations of municipalities in rural areas of Europe. 
  • Organizations: local, regional, national associations, networks and other public or private territorial entities working in the energy transition and climate action fields.
  • Individuals: experts, consultants, students and simply curious people willing to bring their piece to speed-up transitions.

… Committed to the energy transition and climate action in rural communities

> Read RURENER Charter (En), fill-up your Membership form RURENER.

En Français, la Charte RURENER (Fr) et le Bulletin adhésion RURENER (Fr)

The membership to RURENER now depends on where you are to better take into account the diversity of rural communities across Europe. To calculate the amount of your fee, check out the membership form, find the Purchasing Power Parity Index in your country and apply it to the general fee. For instance, a community of less than 10,000 inhabitants in Spain will pay : 2,000€ (general fee) x 0.579 (PPA Index for Spain) = 1,158 €.

Contact us if you have any doubt at

 –> Pay your membership fee online / Adhésions en ligne  <–