The sanitary crisis impulsed by the COVID-19 pandemic has seriously hurt Europeans, institutions and businesses. This is a tough time that we have to endure together, expressing our solidarity to the people going out there to work, save lives, ensure we do not lack food or supplies, to the people sick and those who lost a relative due to the virus. This is a tough time that we will overcome together, and we must use it as a lesson to build a better society, a fairer society, and a society more respectful of the planet.
Ironically, the crisis has had a rather positive impact on the environment, thanks to limited traveling and overall reduced industrial activities. It teaches us that what we can do goes far beyond what we think (or say) we can do. We can always wait for the crisis to show-up before taking action, but it comes with a price (human and economic). We cannot control everything, just like we cannot control climate changes. Finally, it reminds us that solidary is necessary to humanity and that, with solidarity, we are capable of fighting together against a global threat.
In this time of crisis, RURENER continues to be there for rural territories committed to the energy transition throughout Europe. Rural territories that have shown, once again, how resilient and innovative they are. We can count on you to feed our populations and produce energy, it’s about time we show you that you too can count on us, the European Union.