In February 2022, the “Massif Central in Transitions” projet was launched in the Monts du Lyonnais. During two days, actors from Creuse, Lot, and the Ouest Rhodanien gathered together to work on this project. Technicians, elected officials and socio-economic actors were present.
The first day began with the welcome by the mayor of Meys, followed by a presentation of the territory, and the several projects that were implemented in this territory.
After this presentation, we visited Meys’ eco-district, a project that started with the construction of a new school, but that was extended to the building of new social housing and areas for children.

After this visit, we started the workshops: the participants shared the vision they had about their territory and the cooperation between different actors within their territory. The aim was to share everyone’s experience and practices, to increase cooperation, and to gain advices in project-building.
The end of the day took place in Tarare, for the visit of its electric bike station

Finally, these two days ended with the visit of ‘La Bobine’, a workplace wich objective is the creation of social fabric, and of social connections between students, scholars or workers.