RURAL TRANSITION LABS // Looking for support / Recherche de prestataire pour la mise en dialogue et la montée en compétences d’acteurs

Within the Rural Transition Labs project, RURENER is once again looking for a service provider to support the implementation of the dialogue space in the French Laboratory and build tailored capacity-building sessions for rural public-authorities on participative processes.

Take a look at the Specifications below (in French as mastering of the language is mandatory) :

Au sein du projet européen Rural Transition Labs cofinancé par le programme Interreg Sudoe via le Fonds Européen de Développement Régional (FEDER), RURENER est à la recherche d’un prestataire pour l’appuyer dans la mise en oeuvre d’un espace de dialogue dans le Laboratoire français et dans la construction de sessions de formation sur-mesure pour les collectivités rurales sur la participation citoyenne.

Voir le Cahier des Charges ci-dessous (en français) :

Looking for a service provider #RT Labs

The European project Rural Transition Labs funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Sudoe programme has started and RURENER is looking for one or two service provider(s) and associate to support the Rural Labs in driving the Transition locally.

We need an expert in conducting dialogue processes and analysing territorial ecosystems and fluent in Spanish / Portuguese. The offer is detailed below (in English):


What an exciting journey it has been for RURENER over last few months! Even though  the winter is known for slowing down and resting in nature, it wasn’t the case for us. A lot of planing and changes have been happening in our organization to make it the best tool to support your messages and ambitions at EU level. Spring seems like the most appropriate season to water the seeds we planted and let our ideas grow and bloom into reality.

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The MULTITRACES project is getting to an end!

MULTITRACES stands for Multidisciplinary training in circular economy and smart valorisation of the rural area for new business models. The project has been developped by 8 public and private partners from Romania, Greece, Spain and Italy to set up a multidisciplinary training for university students for business development in rural areas in the framework of circular economy. The training aimed at building up the students capacities to address rural development through the circular economy entry point. It included activities like comparative analysis between partner countries and online courses.

Check-out the project results and contact the project leader to know more!