
Cap 2030

June 27, 2024 by Céline Seince

Massif Central Cap 2030
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Thanks to the funding from the French National Territorial Cohesion Agency (ANCT), the project Massif Central Cap 2030 will support communities of the Massif Central area to embrace systemic change, benefit from capacity building and direct support from RURENER to shape transition plans and develop pilot projects. This model will later be transfered at E.U. level to all RURENER members...

RT Labs

January 31, 2024 by Matthieu Moal

Rural Transition Labs
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Co-funded by the ERDF through the Interreg Sudoe programm, the project aim at empowering rural communities to plan and drive the transition. Through the development of pilot projects to address water scarcity in the South West of Europe, the project will help communities build capacity on participative processes, endogenous resources and tools to support systemic change...


March 03, 2022 by Matthieu Moal

Massif Central in Transitions
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Massif Central in Transitions is a project that aims to strengthen the local innovative initiatives carried out by the territories of the Massif Central in favor of their transition towards sustainable development models. The project gathers members from Creuse, Lot and from West of Rhône...


June 26, 2019 by Céline Seince

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COLEOPTER stands for: Local consensus building to optimise territorial policies for rural energy. The project gathers partners from Spain, Portugal and France to build an integrated approach of energy efficiency in buildings...

Innovation project

May 2, 2017 by Céline Seince

2017, Year of Innovation for Rural Energy
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Boosting the energy transition in rural territories, promoting rural development and mobilizing European decision-makers to support rural energy... This is what the Innovation project is all about...

Parlement Climat Citoyens

December 16, 2015 by Christelle Lefèvre

The Citizen Climate Assembly
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The Citizen Climate Assembly is a participatory democracy initiative for a more just and sustainable world. Citizens randomly selected are invited to debate issues about the environment and climate change and to formulate recommendations to their decision-makers...

Reve demain l'énergie

Jun 9, 2014 by Christelle Lefèvre

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A project of awareness raising on energy challenges for children and adults. By inviting children to think about and draw the future of energy, their parents also start questioning their own approach of energy...

100% RES Communities

March 10, 2013 by Christelle Lefèvre

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Building an SEAP when you are a small rural territory isn't a piece of cake. But if you can learn from others through twining exchanges and join forces with your neighbors, anything is possible!

Isole Toit

Sept 21, 2012 by Christelle Lefèvre

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Using local eco-materials and expertise for renovation work in rural areas, this is the idea behind "Isole Toit". Public authorities, craftsmen of the construction sector and civil society organisations were involved in the project that allowed to create a renovation platform still operating on the 2 French territories involved...

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