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2022, Launch of Massif Central in Transitions

In February 2022, the “Massif Central in Transitions” projet was launched in the Monts du Lyonnais. During two days, actors from Creuse, Lot, and the Ouest Rhodanien gathered together to work on this project. Technicians, elected officials and socio-economic actors were present.

The first day began with the welcome by the mayor of Meys, followed by a presentation of the territory, and the several projects that were implemented in this territory.

After this presentation, we visited Meys’ eco-district, a project that started with the construction of a new school, but that was extended to the building of new social housing and areas for children.

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RURENER Let’s cooperate!

Using the Interreg Europe catchphrase seems quite adequate to describe the online workshop organized by RURENER on November 26th aiming at building cooperation project ideas from shared challenges between the rural territories of the network.

A rich discussion followed-up by small groups talks to dig in the project ideas mentionned. From a participative observatory of rural transition policies and measures to the development of Green industrial zones adapted to rural areas or mobility challenges… The topics discussed were very stimulating and promising for future project proposals of high quality!

Ask us for the full report!

“Fit for 55”

July 14th, The European Commission adopted the “fit for 55”. This package consists of a set
of inter-connected proposals, which all drive towards meeting the EU’s ambitious target of
a 55% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, relative to 1990 levels, aligning EU
policy with the ambitious political mandates of the Green Deal and EU Climate Law.

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RURENER 2021 General Assembly!


Don’t miss the RURENER 2021 General Assembly! This year we are lucky enough to be hosted in Greece, in the municipality of RURENER’s President: Prespes.

Take a look at the programme and register (version française) for the General Assembly and the field trip to Prespes.

Registration costs are 380€ for members (470€ for non RURENER members), including accomodation on site (housing, meals, transport), pick-up on and drop off the Thessaloniki airport.

See you in Greece!